Indian Lichenological Society
For promotion of cryptogam research in India since 2014
ILS eLetter Volume 3 was published on January 31, 2025.

About Us

Who we are?

ILS is a registered society under Society Registration Act 1860, with its Head Quarter at Lucknow. The major aim of the society is to promote lichen research in India and has following objectives.
  • To encourage research and developmental activity for the advancement in aspects of Lichenology,
  • To organize workshops, trainings, lectures, symposia, seminars and conferences in Lichenology,
  • To publish newsletter, journal and books relating to the lichens
  • To constitute certificates, medals and awards to felicitate/recognize people's contribution towards Indian lichenology.
  • To promote any other activity similar to the above objects which the Governing council may-time to time determine.

What We Do?

The lichen research in India was started way back in 1928 where in Quraishi reported 30 species from Musoorie, Western Himalaya. Later on during 1931 Kashyup, Chaudhuri and Chopra collected lichens from Himalayas those were identified by Smith and Zahlbruckner. However, credit goes to Dr. D.D. Awasthi as a pioneer Lichenologist of India who initiated Lichenological studies during 1950s at Lucknow University.
He is proudly called as 'Father of Indian Lichenology' for his outstanding contributions. It can be noted that even after history of six decades of lichen study in India lichen research is being carried out only in few organization. Among them CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow; Botanical Survey of India, Allahabad and Andaman; Agarkar Research Institute, Pune and MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai are the major centres. Apart from these institute the lichen researches are being carried out in many colleges and universities of India, but mostly with the help of main lichen study centres mentioned earlier.
The lack of encouragement, proper guidance, manuals, literature and inaccessibility of the experts are some of the reasons for the undergrowth of 'Lichenology' in India. Keeping these views in mind a society for lichen researchers is constituted. Through this society we intend to bring together all lichen researchers scattered all over the country under a single platform.