Indian Lichenological Society
For promotion of cryptogam research in India since 2014
ILS eLetter Volume 3 was published on January 31, 2025.

About Membership

Indian Lichenological Society

Membership Information

Currently the society offers following three types of membership,
  Ordinary Membership
  Life Membership
  Honorary Membership


  • Ordinary membership is open to all individuals interested in any aspect of Indian Lichenology. The ordinary membership fee is Rs. 1000 (rupees one thousand only), valid only for the calendar year (January to December) in which the fee is deposited. The fee may be deposited anytime.
  • Life Membership is open to all individuals interested in any aspect of Indian Lichenology. The Life Membership fee is Rs. 3500/- (rupees three thousand five hundred only). The fee may be paid at anytime and the membership remains valid till death of the individual or till the individual wishes to withdraw their membership from the society.
  • Honorary Members are selected by Executive Council on the merits of the individual. No fee is levied for Honorary Membership.
  • Membership fee is not refundable in any case.

Member's Privileges

  • All members have right to provide feedbacks and contribute in any manner, at any time for the better management of the society and advancement of Lichenology in the country.
  • All members are eligible to participate and express their views in the society meetings.
  • Only Life Members are eligible for voting in the election of Executive Council members.
  • All members are can publish their articles in the society's Journal. However, the members are required to follow the journal's terms and conditions.
  • All members would have free access to databases of the society. However, this clause is subjected "conditions" that would set when the databases are actually developed.
  • The Life Members of society would be awarded or designated as 'Fellow of the Indian Lichenological Society (FILS)' after the completion of three year of their membership. The fellowship include certificate or citation only.
  • The Life Members and Honorary Members of the society are eligible for receiving awards constituted by the society.

Termination of Membership:

  • The Life Membership and Honorary Membership gets terminated in the event of death of the member or resignation.
  • As mentioned earlier Ordinary Membership gets terminated after 31st of December every year, and may be extended after payment of the dues.