Indian Lichenological Society
For promotion of cryptogam research in India since 2014
ILS eLetter Volume 3 was published on January 31, 2025.

ILS eLetter

An official e-Newsletter of the Indian Lichenological Society

About the ILS eLetter

The ILS eLetter is an official newsletter of the society aimed at communicating new developments in Indian lichenology. As an annual publication, it will compile major lichenological activities that happened throughout the year, including news, opinions, short and popular articles contributed by eminent researchers. To sensitize young minds lichen drawings and photographs will also be published. PUBLICATION GUIDELINES: ILS eLetter accepts writings, artworks, news, advertisements, and photographs pertaining to lichens and lichenicolous fungi. Articles can be either in English or Hindi. Popular articles, reviews, notes, observations, book reviews, poems, recommendations/suggestions are welcome. All the contributions will be peer-reviewed. Submissions can be sent to: Manuscript format guidelines: 1. Manuscript should be typed in word format without any fancy typesetting. 2. Abstracts and keywords are not required. 3. Manuscript should include author details: names(s), affiliation(s), address and a valid email. 4. All scientific binomials should be italicized. 5. Citations in the text should be arranged chronologically and separated by a comma. For citations with more than two authors, use the surname of the first author followed by et al. E.g. (Singh 1998, Awasthi 2007, Singh & Sinha 2010, Nayaka et al. 2016). 6. References cited in the text should be listed alphabetically and quoted at the end of the manuscript. 7. Photographs, diagrams, charts, drawings files should be prepared in Jpeg (at least 300 dpi), TIFF or PNG formats. Editing of images is strongly discouraged.

Associate Editor
Editorial Board